(last updated) 2009-05-17

I would like to introduce adding custom theme to widgets I developed.

"My Outlook Today" and "My Google Calendar" are calendar widgets. My Outlook Today 1.2 of and My Google Calendar have a function to change appearance. And My Outlook Today 1.2.1 and My Google Calendar 1.0.1 will search custom theme on widget folder when its start up.

Custom Theme file structure

/MyWidgets/MyOutlookToday/theme  (/MyWidgets/MyGoogleCalendar/theme)
   /theme1      -- theme name. displayed on widget preferences.
      /theme.js   -- style settings
      /*.png     -- image files

MyWidgets folder is at C:\Users\{UserName}\Documents\My Widgets on Windows Vista, C: \Documents and Settings\{UserName}\My Documents\My Widgets on Windows XP, or ~/Documents/Widgets on MacOSX.


theme.js is simply json data follow:

    padding: [0, 0, 0, 0], // padding for background
    defaultFont: 'Catull', // default font
    titleCss: { textAlign: 'center' }, // header text style
    titleColor: ['#9EA8AF', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }], // color, shadow settings
    textColor: ['#808080', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    headerColor: ['#514A4C', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    remainColor: ['#f7d60a', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    emptyItemColor: ['#808080', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    completedItemColor: ['#DE7008', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    justbeforeItemColor: ['#d92d29', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    currentItemColor: ['#DADADA', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    footerColor: ['#9EA8AF', { color: '#000000', vOffset: 0, hOffset: -1, opacity: 190 }],
    apptIconColor: ['#808080'], // Appointment colorize
    taskIconColor: ['#EFA763', '#6767F2', '#808080', '#EF5656'], // Done,Low,Normal,High for Task

image files are for background and icon.

background image files

background using 9 files (nine-grid) and 1 file(divider).


Nine-grid rendering allows you to preserve the original dimensions of the corners (top_left, top_right, bottom_left, and bottom_right). The top and bottom are stretched horizontally only, and the sides left and right are stretched vertically only. The center is stretched in both dimensions.

icon files

icon_current.pngcurrent or near appointment
icon_event.pngevent icon
icon_task.pngtask icon
icon_next.pngarrow right
icon_prev.pngarrow left
icon_schedule.pngcalendar view icon(My Google Calander never use)
icon_tasklist.pngtask view icon(My Google Calander never use)
icon_today.pngtoday icon
icon_back.pngtoday icon to return
icon_forward.pngtoday icon for return
icon_loading.gifloading icon(My Outlook Today never use because it load sync)

for example

I tried to create new theme named "wood".

  1. create image files by Fireworks CS4 :)
  2. copy style.js and image files to C:\Users\makoto_kw\Documents\My Widgets\MyOutlookToday\theme\wood
  3. run My Outlook Today widget and open preferences
  4. select wood at theme

That's all!

I understand this function is very simple and is not useful yet. Please let me know you have any problems , questions and ideas. # give me beautiful theme you designed also :)

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