I was(am?) Syntaxhighlighter for Movable Type author. I developed it because I never find Alex Gorbatchev Syntaxhighlighter plugin for Movable Type.
I used the Syntaxhighlighter Evolved on WordPress. I have to make it apply to some entries of Movable Type. Then, I developed two plugins work with Syntaxhighlighter Evolved.
1) for Syntaxhighlighter for Movable Type
change Syntaxhighlighter for Movable Type style(code:lang) to Syntaxhighlighter Evolved style(code class="lang")
2) for Legacy style (Syntaxhighlighter 1.5 style)
highlightcode <pre name="code" class="c"></pre>
Syntaxhighlighter Evolved (2.3.6) dose not support legacy style. It needs to ugrade: