SyntaxHighlighter for Movable Type allows you to easily post syntax highlighted code all without loosing it’s formatting or making an manual changes on Movable Type 4 powered by SyntaxHighlighter 2.0.
- version 0.1.1 (2009/10/04 updated)
- (within syntaxhighlighter 2.0.320)
- version 0.1.0 (2009/03/05 updated)
- (within syntaxhighlighter 2.0.296)
Functions and Limitations
This plugin has the following functions.
- Added one tempalte tag and two text filters
- Install SyntaxHighlighter 2.0 to mt-static
- Use tempate tag instead of includeing css and javascript on html header
- Write raw source code in entry by using text filter
- Supported php dynamic publishing!
It also has the following problems oppositely.
- The entry dosen’t other text filter (ex. rich text editor)
- It is not supporeted the configuration of the SyntaxHighlighter
- Required Movable Type 4 (I have tested with 4.2x, 4.3x and 5.0beta)
How to Use
1. Download this plugin and copy to your mt directory.
2. Add MTSyntaxHighlighterInclude tag to “HTML Header” tempates.
The MTSyntaxHighlighterInclude has brush and theme attributes. The brush attribute is required and the theme attribute is optional.
attribute | SyntaxHighlighter 2.0 |
brush | as3, csharp, cpp, css, delphi, diff, groovy, jscript, perl, java, php, plain, powershell , python, ruby, scala, sql, vb, xml(Use CSV) |
theme | default, django, emacs,fadetogrey,midnight, rdark |
3. Create an Entry
Select SyntaxHighlighter or SyntaxHighlighter + Convert Line Breaks as Format
Write source code as following format:
source code
language is supported in Brush aliases.
language | Brush name | File name |
as3,actionscript3 | ActionScript3 | shBrushAS3.js |
bash, shell | Bash/shell | shBrushBash.js |
c-sharp, csharp | C# | shBrushCSharp.js |
cpp, c | C++ | shBrushCpp.js |
css | CSS | shBrushCss.js |
delphi, pas, pascal | Delphi | shBrushDelphi.js |
diff, patch | Diff | shBrushDiff.js |
groovy | Groovy | shBrushGroovy.js |
js, jscript, javascript | JavaScript | shBrushJScript.js |
java | Java | shBrushJava.js |
jfx, javafx | JavaFX | shBrushJava.js |
perl, pl | Perl | shBrushPerl.js |
php | PHP | shBrushPhp.js |
plain, text | Plain Text | shBrushPlain.js |
ps, powershell | PowerShell | shBrushPowerShell.js |
py, python | Python | shBrushPython.js |
rails, ror, ruby | Ruby | shBrushRuby.js |
scala | Scala | shBrushScala.js |
sql | SQL | shBrushSql.js |
vb, vbnet | Visual Basic | shBrushVb.js |
xml, xhtml, xslt, html, xhtml | XML | shBrushXml.js |
After publishing, the entry is displayed.
(When theme attributes is emacs)
If you have already used the syntaxhighlighter 1.5
The syntaxhighlighter 2.0 changed the target html tag from version 1.5. You have to set “compatible with 1.5″ in settings.
See also:
SyntaxHighlighter for Movable Type. Copyright (C) 2009 makoto_kw ( )
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
SyntaxHighlighter is licenced under LGPL 3. Copyright (C) 2004-2009 Alex Gorbatchev.
SyntaxHighlighter is donationware. If you are using SyntaxHighlighter 2.0 on your site or including it in your product, please donate.