Latest Version

  • Version 0.3.3 (2009/07/28)
    • download
    • Fixes
      • Fixed to convert art for WMP
      • Fixed play mode for WMP
      • Improved to search album information with "Disc No" string
      • Reduced to call Amazon API
    • Changes
      • Supported Amazon Product Advertising API
      • Removed Yahoo Music Jukebox support
      • Supported Yahoo Widget 4.5 or later
      • Using ExtJS core 3.0 instead of prototype.js
      • Windows: Handle event for COM



Application Yahoo(Win) Yahoo(Mac) note
iTunes ○(0.1-) ○(0.1-) -
Windows Media Player ○(0.1-) - -
Yahoo Music Jukebox ○(0.1.1-0.3.2) - -
Mora Top 100 ○(0.2-) - playing contents by Windows Media Player
winamp developing... - -
MusicMatch Jukebox researching... - -
Foobar researching... - -
SonicStage researching... - -
Songbird researching... - -
jetAudio researching... - -
BeatJam researching... - -


|WebService|note| |:--|:--|:--| |Amazon|ReviewComment、Information、SimilarProduct| |YouTube|Search Movie|


See Also


This code is released under the new BSD License.

Author & Copyright

Copyright 2006-2009, makoto_kw

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